Product development based on virtual prototypes
CHROFF Konstruktion + Design uses various methods of computer-aided engineering (CAE) for the optimal design and construction of your products and (kinematic) assemblies.
Among other things, CHROFF specializes in the injection molding of plastic parts, as well as the application of these products and assemblies under respective conditions of use. This can be ensured by systematic processes and product simulations using virtual prototypes to accompany every step of product development. The knowledge gained through numerous CAE methods is incorporated into the development process at the early stages of development. Factors such as warpage or deformation of injection-molded parts, load/tension curves of mechanically stressed components, or the flow behavior and characteristics of air vents within a ventilation system, are crucial to efficient, cost effective and expedient execution of customer projects.
By moving the first functional prototypes and tests into a virtual realm, both development costs and time for construction of product samples, along with test of their functionality, are saved. The software portfolio we use is coordinated and highly compatible. All programs we use operate with native Catia V5 and Siemens NX models. This eliminates data conversions and the potential for error, thus accelerating the work process.
Benefits of the product development based on virtual prototypes:
- Much faster than prototype + test – concept examinations “over night”
- Simulations parallel to the construction (“concurrent FEM/CFD”)
- Simulations allow an “in-depth” look at components and relationships
- Quick comparison of variants possible
Simulation capabilities:
- Collision tests, feasibility studies, assembly and dismantling studies, rigid body kinematics (DMU)
- Structural Mechanics: Component rigidity, firmness (FEM)
- Flow simulations (CFD)
- Injection moulding simulations
- Lighting calculations